

Greetings from Denver, Colorado! My name is Cole, and I am an IT pro. Originally from Nashville, I moved from the southeast for opportunities in the southwest. When I'm not busy developing and studying new technologies, I spend time shooting basketball, riding my bike and working out. I have been a vegan since 2017, and also enjoy spending time cooking new plant-based recipes. I like to keep an open mind about things, and approach problems from unique perspectives. Growth is a major part of my mindset, and everyday I seek to be better than I was yesterday.

My Top Skills

⌵ FrontEnd

⌵ BackEnd

⌵ Databases

⌵ Cloud


My Certifications

AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner
AWS Certified DevOps Professional
Cisco Certified Network Associate

Work and Personal Projects

C:> Real estate management application

Built on NextJS, this interface queries for-rent and for-sale properties listed on Bayut's public API. Property data is obtained from the API, then a customer listing site allows you to search, filter property listings, and view information (and photos) associated with a property.

C:> MERN stack based Bookstore application

A web application for running a bookstore and/or library. A graphical interace polls a Mongo database for book records and returns them in a list. If there are no books, you can create a new book record to have it inserted into the Mongo database. Additionally, in the home list view you can edit, view details of, or delete book records. Features CRUD and CORS.

C:> Python-Django web scraping news application

I built this to poll Denver and Nashville news channels websites to return filtered news. By referencing dictionaries of "bad words", the headlines on the home page of the websites are scraped, and only "happy news" headlines are returned. Returned headlines are links to the full story pages on the news channel's website.

C:> Python-Django based Receipt Tracker

This is an application that accepts receipts as input, and stores the data in a SQLite database. Input can come as a PNG or PDF file. Future feature would be for mobile versions of the app to request a mobile device's camera and capture a receipt photo (similar to bank apps with mobile check deposit). Input files are detected for text as on big string, then data is parsed out such as transcation total, item names/totals/quantities, store information, date of transaction, etc.

C:> Python-Pygame based desktop PC game

Similar to an iconic game about extraterrestrial invaders in space ships. Game settings can be set via config files containing environmental variables for the game runtime, such as alien/player speed, number of projectiles allowed on screen at one time, number of lives, and more.


My LinkedIn
